Wednesday, July 29, 2009


We went and had the boys pictures taken at Picture People yesterday. Enjoy!

Friday, July 17, 2009

The castle changes color at is so pretty

Gabe with a Storm Trooper at Disney Hollywood Studios Star Wars Weekends.

Aaron and Gabe at South Of The Boarder.

Gabe and Mickey Mouse at Disney's Animal Kingdom.

Gabe under the FL sign on our way to Disney!!


Disney pics and other varous pics have been added to my facebook account. If you want to add me it is under Erin Surrell Morgan.

So, it has been 38 days since my last MRSA outbreak...and what do you think I woke up with this morning? YES! You guessed it...OUTBREAK NUMBER 4 DEVELOPING!!!! I am so excited I can hardly contain myself!!!!

It seems that there is exactly 40 days between each outbreak. On or about day 38 I start to develop the underlying symptoms....pinkness of the soon to be infected area, swelling, streaking of red lines up my foot into my ankle, and boy does it start to day 40 I want to chop my foot off. So, as soon as I noticed that it was getting more painful, around 2:30pm, I called the dr. to find out what to do because it was the start of the weekend. He was in surgery, which he is every Friday. I left a message with my med tech and she said she would call me back around 5pm. At 2:45 she called me back to tell me that the dr. wants me to keep and eye on it and as soon as it changes to head to the ER and call him on my way.

When will this ever go away?!

My sis in law Stacy stayed with us for the week. That is my hubbies brothers wife. She is so nice and we really enjoy having her around. Her and Alan are going to take Gabe next weekend and he is so excited. He loves his Uncle Alan and Aunt Stacy so much! He really enjoyed having her as well as Aaron and I did.

Friday, July 3, 2009

A whole month gone by

A whole month went by since I last made a entry in our family blog. We went to Disney and had a great time! I will be putting pics up over the weekend probably. After we went to Disney, Gabe and I headed up to Vermont for a week to see my family and pick up Zeke. We had a wonderful time up there with lots of outdoor play! Then my dad came back down to MD with me for the weekend. We went to Bingo a few times and just relaxed. A few days after he left, my MRSA started to flare up again. This time left foot pinkie toe!! So, off I went to Dr. Leone and he started me on antibotic and the next day it was worse. Good new = no PICC line...yet...bad news= they had to numb my foot and cut open a hole for the infection to drain. Not as painful as it sounds.....On Wed morning I went and saw the infectious disease dr. He ordered a TON of blood work and thinks it may have something to do with my immune system...great...So with the news of my foot, my mother came down to MD for a week. She rode with a friend who has family in Annapolis. It was nice to have my mom here. We played outside a lot and Gabe got a nice tan. It was also a big help to get caught up on the house after being gone for a month!!!

On July 14th, I go in to have the start of my dnetal work done. I am more afraid of the dentist than of another MRSA outbreak! Crazy I know!

Zeke had his 6 month well baby check up and he is a big boy!!! He weighs 19lbs and it 29 inches long!!! He is in 95th% for height and 75th% for weight..he should weigh more for that length...but by all means is he not starving and skinny!!!

Gabriel is enhoying having a backyard this summer!!! We got him a small pool and a few sprinkler toys...boy we got a waterpark going on!!! I hate to see the water bill....oh well he is having fun!!!